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Conceptairnature -Solutia pentru un climat mai bun!  sere profesionale , solarii , echipamente agricole ,încălzire,irigatie ,echipamente zootehnice



Branches Berry

An expert in climatic agronomy

Since 1961, when Filclair invented the first plastic covered greenhouse, 5,000 hectares of greenhouses have been assembled in 70 countries.
The company's ability to know how to innovate and evolve is the force that drives our success.
Furthermore, with today's environmental and agricultural issues, we become an expert in the climatic agronomy market.
 The majority of the company's executives are agronomic engineers: to do our job well we have to be as close as possible to agronomic and economic problems.

The continuous development of our market requires permanent adaptability from all our departments:

• Long-term development policy
• Respect for the environment
• Research and development of more efficient climatic agronomy

To achieve this, we continue to invest in logistics and production: the company equipped itself with new administrative buildings at the beginning of 2000 and a new computer system has been installed.

We are elaborating on protected agriculture acclimatization products and techniques that totally respect the environment and increase productivity. The architecture of the Multiclair Gothic Arch greenhouses is designed to meet these agro-economic criteria and is the direct result of our expertise: climatic engineering.
Furthermore, all the equipment available for these types of greenhouses specifically meets our customers' climatic needs and agronomic constraints.
The task now is to deploy the Multiclair range via this outstanding technical platform. Our overriding goal is always to come up with solutions for a better climate, whatever the intrinsic constraints of the land.

Since 2003 our team also entered the Romanian, Moldova, and Bulgaria market, hectares of greenhouses, tunnels, storages, farms have been assembled across the country.
We are an international professional team, a young and dynamic team, with great experience in this domain offering you professional products.

©2009-2020 Copyright Conceptairnature. All rights reserved.
It is forbidden to copy photos or information from the site without our written consent.
It is forbidden to use the prices in the online store for comparison in European projects.
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e-mail : conceptairnature@yahoo.com  conceptairnature@gmail.com        _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_              _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_      
Tel :   +40 745 826 934    _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_|      +40 745 049 737
Greenconcept Sere si solarii profesionale .Ferme de animale . Tehnologii pentru sere și ferme de animale.
Sere, soalrii, ferme, depozite, irigatii, incalzire sera, farms, greenhouses, animal farms,invernaderos, fincas
Concept airnature greenhouses technology and farms.
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