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The patternNORDICLAIR features a mechanical performance and unmatched storage capacity!
Each of the model structures NORDICLAIR™ conforms to the stability rules regarding  snow and_cc781905-5c63-bad18b5cf-319.
Whatever your choice in what it concerns structure density NORDICLAIR™ formeaza un ansamblu constant și omogen , fabricat și calculat în conformitate cu specificațiile_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_received.
Structure NORDICLAIR™corresponds to the EN 1303-1 norm, the integral calculations of the structure being provided by CAD software, which allows us to optimize the quality of the components.
Warehouses, shelters and haystacks NORDICLAIR™,are available in 2 two sizes 
  • 8 m wide | 3.96m height at the crest 
  • 10.30m wide | 4.76m height at the withers 
The arches made of European steel  of the best quality S250GD, double-sided galvanized with a diameter of 60mm, are arranged, depending on the requirements, at 0.5m, 0.75m, 1m, 1.5m or 2m 
StructureNORDICLAIR  allows any type of coverage:
  • film SBE 250 microns green | bej  complies with EN13206 class E
  • Cellobati film 450 microns green | beige 
  • truck tarpaulin PES|PVC different thicknesses Gray or green 
  • insulation with mineral wool for agricultural use with a thickness of 80mm, mounted in one or more layers according to requirements 
  • corrugated protective sheet 
  • transparent corrugated polycarbonate, or opaque white in facades 

​Tunnels NORDICLAIR™ have become a point of reference on the world market, due to their exceptional performance and assembly easy
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