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for aluminum structures

Garden greenhouses |greenhousesHABBY|GLASS GREENHOUSE 

A complete range of garden greenhouses with aluminum structure, covered with 4mm thick safety glass_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf5o8d_, superior quality greenhouses -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_with a modern design, designed to meet current needs in terms of both size and color.

This range of products includes not only hobby greenhouses, but also canopies, verandas, kiosks and modules for restaurants, terraces, hotels.

Considering the new conditions in which we will conduct our Cotinian life in the next period, we have come up with a large range of structures that can cover various needs.

STANDARD RANGEincludes greenhouses with straight walls and greenhouses with oblique walls, of different standard sizes (which cannot be modified) with a natural or RAL aluminum color structure  standard palette 

ACTION RANGEincludes the greenhouses on sale, the best-selling models 

URBAN RANGEincludes greenhouses for terraces, balconies, restaurants, hotels, schools, kindergartens...

VERANDA RANGEincludes a wide range of greenhouses that can be attached to a wall of the house, creating a pleasant space right next to the house.

OPEN SPACE RANGEit includes a special series of structures in which various day-to-day spaces can be organized.

COVER RANGEis a new range that offers you a series of canopies on a solid structure, covered with polycarbonate.

SAVE LIVE RANGEwas created as a result of social distancing rules social. This range comes to the aid of the HORECA field.

Applicability: creating safe spaces in community areas such as terraces, restaurants, hotels, shopping areas, parks, schools.

Sere de gradină |SERE HOBBY|SERE STICLĂ 

Garanție Extinsă pentru Sere din Sticlă – Siguranță și Durabilitate

Each greenhouse with an aluminum structure from the glass greenhouse range  is covered by a 12-year warranty against manufacturing defects bb3b-136bad5cf58d_. On moving parts such as wheels, opening systems, hinges, we offer a one-year guarantee. Garanția exclude deteriorările cauzate de o utilizare necorespunzătoare ,sau a unor fenomene naturale excepționale .Pentru sticla /policarbonat this warranty is not valid  *

sere de gradina RALro.jpg
structura din aluminiu sere natura si garnituri cauciuc

Datorită întârzierilor globale la nivelul fabricării  elementelor și materialelor pentru sere ,a aprovizionării cu materii prime ,precum și a situației complicate a transporturilor în anumite țări , generate de criza COVID 19 ,RĂZBOI, și alte probleme actuale termenele de livrare a materialelor au crescut, implicit și termenele de livrare ale serelor  !Aceasta situație este independentă de voința noastră. Ca și societate facem maximul posibil ca toate comenzile să se deruleze cât mai bine posibil.Vă mulțumim.Unele prețuri pot suporta modificări ,datorită variației prețurilor materiei prime!Vă rugam să verificați înaintea comenzii prețul actualizat la zi  .

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