Together since 1961



Get in touch with us at conceptairnature@yahoo.com | +40745049737

Gama de solarii pentru culturi de rosii,castraveti ,ardei,vinete:solarii pentru legumicultura,solar gonflabil,solat pentru flori,solar pentru legume,constructie solar,solar gonflabil,structura galvanizata solar ,sera,Concept Airnature va propune o gama de sere profesionale si anume: sere folie,sere gonflabile,sere profesionale,sere flori,sere tomate,sere pentru flori ,sere pentru tomate,structura sera galvanizata,sere utilate,sere hyroponice,sere horticole,sere legumicole,sere horticole,

Gama de solarii pentru culturi de rosii,castraveti ,ardei,vinete:solarii pentru legumicultura,solar gonflabil,solat pentru flori,solar pentru legume,constructie solar,solar gonflabil,structura galvanizata solar ,sera,Concept Airnature va propune o gama de sere profesionale si anume: sere folie,sere gonflabile,sere profesionale,sere flori,sere tomate,sere pentru flori ,sere pentru tomate,structura sera galvanizata,sere utilate,sere hyroponice,sere horticole,sere legumicole,sere horticole,

Gama de solarii pentru culturi de rosii,castraveti ,ardei,vinete:solarii pentru legumicultura,solar gonflabil,solat pentru flori,solar pentru legume,constructie solar,solar gonflabil,structura galvanizata solar ,sera,Concept Airnature va propune o gama de sere profesionale si anume: sere folie,sere gonflabile,sere profesionale,sere flori,sere tomate,sere pentru flori ,sere pentru tomate,structura sera galvanizata,sere utilate,sere hyroponice,sere horticole,sere legumicole,sere horticole,
Gama ARCEAUX |Solar type tunnels 4.5m and 5m | GARDEN SOLARIUMS
The simplest wayand effective to protect your crops for family .
The arches and intertoases (connecting elements) of this solarium are made of perfectly balanced round tubes, which offers a maximum resistance. They are made of the highest quality European steel (S250GD - galvanizing Z275 on both sides 15/10e and 20/10e Ø 32mm).
The exclusive system of connecting crosses, assembled by a high frequency process, doubles the resistance on the links of 44cm.
Montajul intern al acestora face structura solarului invizibila asigurând în același timp o viață_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_length of the professional film that is mounted on the solar.
The film used is a 200 micron THINC4S professional film.
The ARCEAUX model accepts two types of metal frame covering:
Benzi de folie(laize), aerisirea realizându-se manual prin depărtarea benzilor care sunt întrepătrunse .
Film mounted along the structure, ventilation being carried out on the ends of the solar panel.
Standard widths 4.5m and 5m
Length: from 2 to 2m | maximum 120m
TO :mobile, which rises
facades are covered with double foil (they are covered in foil). The foil is not inflatable
Each facade has a simple swing door, which can be used both in the warm season (if the facades are not raised) and in the cold season.
STRIPS:Solarul este acoperit cu folie profesională THINC4S cu o grosime de 200microni , folie care este longevivă , fiind tratată UV și termic , aceasta rezistând_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_in time , until to10 years(depending on how it is taken care of and the region where the solar is installed)
These Tunnel type solariums are recommended to be used in households. The semi-professional structure ensures that you have purchased a quality solar that will last for time.
The professional film will provide the necessary brightness for the plants in your solar house for a long time.
For professional crops, in the solar of small farmers, we recommend purchasing the Tanel Numeris N64, T600 T700 Tanel 8m, Tanel 9.30m or models with vertical walls: Vericlair | Multuclair | Right leg tunnel | with the metal structure with the diameter ofA60mm. These solariums are described below on this page.
The tunnel-type solar with a width of of 4.5m and 5m has a metal structure made of round bars with a diameter of 32mm, galvanized, being designed for the range of garden greenhouses/hobby greenhouses, but it copes brilliantly with crops slightly tall greens: lettuce, green onion, dill, parsley, cabbage, broccoli, flowers.

offer valid 2020-2021
Arceaux FILCLAIR 450 tunnel type solar, made of galvanized arches with a diameter of 32mm arranged at 2m and connecting elements with a diameter of 32mm, 27mm. Covering with professional foil_5cc78c190-78c -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ THINC4S 200microns , Movable facades with door .
Width 4.5m
Length: multiple of 2m
Height at the summit: 2,225m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.51m
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
Solar tunnel type Arceaux FILCLAIR 500, made of galvanized arches with a diameter of 32mm arranged at 2m and connecting elements with a diameter of 32mm, 27mm. Covering with professional foil_5cc78c -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ THINC4S 200microns , Movable facades with door .
Width 5.0m
Length: multiple of 2m
Height at the summit: 2,535m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.51m
PRICES starting from:

offer valid 2020-2021
A multitude of accessories are available for FILCLAIR solariums from the ARCEAUX range. The Arceau range being used in especially for growing vegetables for the family, the accessories in the Hobby range include a wide range of products that you can find in_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_the online store: garden tool kits, irrigation kits, seed kits, rakes, shovels, work tables and tablets, garden gloves, hats, garden slippers, plastic boots, kits for children and many others
PRICES starting from:

NUMERIS range 6.4m | PROFESSIONAL SOLAR for low crops: strawberries, onions, lettuce, greens, flowers

The new tunnel that streamlines space
NUMERIS is a quasi-vertical tunnel type solar that optimizes the surface of crops
With a width of 6.40m which respects just the culture standard (1.60 and 3.20m) each m² of this lot is cultivated.
Solarul NUMERIS ,poate fi asamblat,de asemenea, în mai multe baterii acoperind o suprafața maxima de spațiu, fără_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_a there are losses.

Surface rational | Professional metal structure, galvanized
Having a shape right loosely ogival, the solar arches are made of round tubes with a diameter of_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad55cf58d_two arches of Ø60mm plus one boom a flat or cross tie rod). The elements are linked together by a wedge superioara allowing longitudinal stabilization and tensioning of the sheet through the double inverted curvature.
fixationin the floor of the NUMERIS solar house, 2 choice
1) plinth + cross with fixing by "vis mooring" or "fenox" (depending on the nature of the soil). This configuration_cc781905-5cde_3194-sed_3194-6bb35cf58d_ adapt on uneven terrain.
2) By "amarre a vrille" the arch is fixed directly on the axis. This technique requires a level ground.
MONO: installation mono-tunnel
ON BATTERY: separated by a few tens of centimeters | maximum 50cm
IN CONNECTED BATTERIES: the interval between the tunnels is reduced to 5 cm ("ammare a vrille doble") up to 50 cm maximum
Area dintre arcade în funcție de zonele de implantare este de 2 m, 2.50 m sau _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_3 m , the first arch and the last being always at 2m .
widthThe Numeris solar array is 6.4 m
Length: in function of the distance between arches
Height at the top: 3.02 m
Height at 0.55 m from the base of the arch: 1.89 m
Height under flat tie rod: 2.74 m
Height under cross brace : 2.76 m
Considering the dimensions of this model, in standard we can make hundreds of variations of this type of solar.
See some variants below:

offer valid 2020-2021
Solar NUMERIS FILCLAIR 640, made of galvanized arches.
Arches with a diameter of 60mm arranged at 2m and connecting elements with a diameter of 32mm, 27mm.
The coating is done with professional film THINC4S 200 microns, mounted along the structure
Mobile facades running .
Width 6.4mm
Length: multiple of 2 m | 2 m on the extremity
Height at the top: 3.02m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.89m
Tie rod in X
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
BATERIE de Tunele NUMERIS FILCLAIR 640,realizate din arcade galvanizate cu diametrul de 60 mm dispuse la 2 m and connecting elements diameter 32 mm, 27 mm .
Professional Foil Coating THINC4S 200 Micron ,
Mobile facades running .
Common facade for all solariums
OPTION :To for each Numeris solarin the part .
Width 6.4 m
Length: multiple of 2 m
Height at the top: 3.02 m
Height at 0.55 m from the base of the arch: 1.89 m
Tie rod in X
Distance between tunnels: 50cm
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
BATERIE de Tunele NUMERIS FILCLAIR 640,realizate din arcade galvanizate cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 2m și elemente of link with a diameter of 32mm, 27mm.
Professional Foil Coating THINC4S 200 Micron ,
Facade which is run for each individual Numeris solar.
Width 6.4 m
Length : multiple of 2 m |2m per extremity_cc781905-5c63-bbde-38d_3194-bb3b-3194
Height at the top: 3.02 m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.89m
Tie rod in X
Distance between tunnels: 50cm
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
BATERIE de Tunele NUMERIS FILCLAIR 640,realizate din arcade galvanizate cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 2m și elemente of connection with a diameter of 32mm, 27mm.Covering with professional film THINC4S 200 microns,
Rolling movable facades. Common facade for all solariums
OPTION : Facades for each individual Numeris solar.|
Width 6.4 mm
Length: multiple of 2 m |2m per extremity
Height at the top: 3.02 m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.89m
Tie rod in X
Distance between tunnels: 5cm -50 cm
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
BATERIE de Tunele NUMERIS FILCLAIR 640,realizate din arcade galvanizate cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 2m și elemente of connection with a diameter of 32mm, 27mm.Covering with professional film THINC4S 200 microns,
Running mobile facades.
Facades for each individual Numeris solar.
Width 6.4 mm
Length: multiple of 2 m |2 per extremity
Height at the top: 3.02 m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.89m
Tie rod in X
Distance between tunnels: 5cm -50cm
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
Dacă solarul dumneavoastră din gama NUMERIS necesită încălzire pe timpul iernii , vâ invităm să vizualizați gama de sisteme de încălzire_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_available and choose the option that best meets your needs.
In the page heating systems find hot air generators or fuel-fired thermal plants :
methane gas
LPG gas
diesel fuel
wood with load manual
loaded pellets automatic
automatic loading wood chipper
NOTĂ : dacă nu știți ce putere aveți nevoie pentru solarul dumneavoastră , solicitați un studiu_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_thermal (for a fee) .
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
În cazul în care nu știți ce echipament pentru încălzirea solarului aveți nevoie ,puteți solicita realizarea unui studiu termic (contra cost)
Our specialists will calculate the required power for the solar | the solariums that you have purchased or that you want to purchase.
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
Solar NUMERIS FILCLAIR 640, made of galvanized arches.
Arches with a diameter of 60mm arranged at 2.5 m and connecting elements with a diameter of 32mm, 27mm.
Professional Foil Coating THINC4S 200 Micron.
Moving running facades .
Width 6.4mm
Length: multiple of 2.5 m |2m per extremity
Height at the top: 3.02m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.89m
Tie rod in X
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
BATERIE de Tunele NUMERIS FILCLAIR 640,realizate din arcade galvanizate cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 2,5m and connecting elements diameter 32mm, 27mm .
Professional Foil Coating THINC4S 200 Micron ,
Movable facades that run. Common facade for all solariums
OPTION : Facades for each individual Numeris solar.
Width 6.4 m
Length: multiple of 2.5m | 2m on the extremity
Height at the top: 3.02 m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.89m
Tie rod in X
Distance between tunnels: 50cm
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
BATERIE de Tunele NUMERIS FILCLAIR 640,realizate din arcade galvanizate cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 2,5m and connecting elements diameter 32mm, 27mm .
Professional Foil Coating THINC4S 200 Micron ,
Mobile facades that run for each individual Numeris solar.
Width 6.4 m
Length: multiple of 2.5 m | 2m on extremity
Height at the top: 3.02 m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.89m
Tie rod in X
Distance between tunnels: 50cm
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
BATERIE de Tunele NUMERIS FILCLAIR 640,realizate din arcade galvanizate cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 2,5m and connecting elements diameter 32mm, 27mm .Professional foil coating THINC4S 200 microns ,
Movable facades that run. Common facade for all solariums
OPTION : Facades for each individual Numeris solar.
Width 6.4 mm
Length: multiple of 2.5 m |2mpe extremitate
Height at the top: 3.02 m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.89m
Tie rod in X
Distance between tunnels: 5cm-50cm
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
BATERIE de Tunele NUMERIS FILCLAIR 640,realizate din arcade galvanizate cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 2,5m and connecting elements diameter 32mm, 27mm .Professional foil coating THINC4S 200 microns ,
Moving mobile facades Facades for each individual Numeris solar.
Width 6.4 mm
Length: multiple of 2.5m
Height at the top: 3.02 m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.89m
Tie rod in X
Distance between tunnels: 5cm
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
You can choose a drip irrigation system or a sprinkler irrigation system depending on the culture you have. 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_în solar .
In the online store you can find a wide range of tubes for irrigation, irrigation tape and connection accessories
If you do not know which irrigation system to choose , for the solar plot you want to purchase call our consultants.
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
Solar NUMERIS FILCLAIR 640, made of galvanized arches.
Arches with a diameter of 60mm arranged at 3 m and connecting elements with a diameter of 32mm, 27.
Professional Foil Coating THINC4S 200 Micron.
Moving facades running .
Width 6.4mm
Length: multiple of 3 m | 2m on extremity
Height at the top: 3.02m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.89m
Tie rod in X
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
BATERIE de Tunele NUMERIS FILCLAIR 640,realizate din arcade galvanizate cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 3m și elemente of link with a diameter of 32mm, 27mm.
Professional Foil Coating THINC4S 200 Micron ,
Rolling movable facades. Common facade for all solariums
OPTION : Facades for each individual Numeris solar.
Width 6.4 m
Length: multiple of 3 m |2m per extremity
Height at the top: 3.02 m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.89m
Tie rod in X
Distance between tunnels: 50cm
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
BATERIE de Tunele NUMERIS FILCLAIR 640,realizate din arcade galvanizate cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 3m și elemente of link with a diameter of 32mm, 27mm.
Professional Foil Coating THINC4S 200 Micron ,
Facade mobiles that run for each individual Numeris solar.
Width 6.4 m
Length: multiple of 3 m |2m per extremity
Height at the top: 3.02 m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.89m
Tie rod in X
Distance between tunnels: 50cm
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
BATERIE de Tunele NUMERIS FILCLAIR 640,realizate din arcade galvanizate cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 3m și elemente of connection with a diameter of 32mm, 27mm.Covering with professional film THINC4S 200 microns,
Rolling movable facades. Common facade for all solariums
OPTION : Facades for each individual Numeris solar.
Width 6.4 mm
Length: multiple of 3 m |2mpe extremity
Height at the top: 3.02 m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.89m
Tie rod in X
Distance between tunnels: 5cm -50 cm
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
BATERIE de Tunele NUMERIS FILCLAIR 640,realizate din arcade galvanizate cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 3m și elemente of connection with a diameter of 32mm, 27mm.Covering with professional film THINC4S 200 microns,
Mobile facades running
Facades for each individual Numeris solar.
Width 6.4 mm
Length: multiple of 3 m | 1.5 on extremity
Height at the top: 3.02 m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.89m
Tie rod in X
Distance between tunnels: 5cm
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
Every householder needs a multitude of solar accessories.
With us you will find a very large range of equipment necessary for growing plants. We invite you to enter in_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d9c5de58d1905de_online_the_store -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_what you need :
plant clips and string
irrigation pipes ,sprinkler
automation irrigation
shading nets
thermal screens
seed kits HOBBY
garden tools
many other materials for the garden
PRICES starting with:

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Chosen the best solar in the world!
The innovation classic FILCLAIRde o extrema fiabilitate care și-a dovedit calitățile în întreaga lume inclusiv în România , SOLARUL_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ tunnel type has been used for decades in professional cultures but and for those who want more than domestic applications a hobby greenhouse.
Model SOLAR TUNNEL | NORDICLAIR accepts any type of coverage
single foil, THINC4s 200 micron, mounted along solar
folie simplă ,TH INC4S 200 microni ,montată în LAIZE (benzi de 6.5 m lățime , dispuse pe lățimea solarului , benzi care se întrepătrund_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_)
INFLATABLE double foil: 2 THINC4S 200 micron foils, ATTENTION of the same thickness, both the foil inside and the foil outside! FILCLAIR does not skimp on the foil to have a lower price of the greenhouse or solar. The same film quality is delivered both for the outer layer and for the inner layer, a quality that your culture will appreciate because the thermal index of the film will be increased, light diffusion in the greenhouse will be double, photosynthesis will be activated and productivity improved.
CELOBATI foil green | bej 250 microni montată în simplu perete sau în dublu perete gonflabil , pentru modelele TUNNEL ABRICLAIR | DEPOSITS | FARMS | SHELTERS
green CELOBATI film |beige, 450 microns, mounted in single wall or in double inflatable wall, for TUNNEL ABRICLAIR, TUNNEL NORDICLAIR models | FARMS | STORAGE|HAWING |SHELTERS
truck tarps
green foil 250 microns or 450 microns + insulation with mineral wool + white|black foil for models that require insulation such as goat farms, sheep farms, bird farms, mushroom farms, various warehouses, etc_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
corrugated sheet for side protection, in different applications
Simplicitatea și rapiditatea cu care sunt montate face ca solariile tip tunel FILCLAIR sa fie unice în_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_world.
FILCLAIR tunnel solariums are not just a simple structure, a pipe covered with foil. These are the fruit of over 60 years of trials and evolution of structures, as you well know, FILCLAIR being the INVENTOR of the greenhouse covered with foil, the first greenhouse covered with foil in the world_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ being made by Filclair in France in the 1960s.
The structure of the solariums is made so all the parts join together, the structure being self-locking . All GALVANIZED welds are made in the factory.
The structure is made of high-quality steel, S250GD with a large elastic limit, limit which is put to the test in_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf5cf Romania and Bulgaria .
Nici o seră FILCLAIR , montată în ROMANIA sau Bulgaria nu a suferit damage in the last 20 years that ConceptAirnature along with Filclair have been present in these countries.
The quality of the products could be tested for 20 years. We were here 20 years ago we are and will be like ConceptAirnature and 20 years from now.
We evolve with the times, stay present, adapt and innovate!
Solariums type TUNNEL | NORDICLAIR , are made of high quality steel S250GD, with a high yield strength. The steel is galvanized Z275 double face 15/10, 20/10. The diameter of the structure is 60mm for the arches, 32mm and 27mm for the connecting elements , and for certain models from 2020 we switch to a structure with a diameter of 80mm._cc781905-5c 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Thanks to their simplicity of design, FILCLAIR tunnel greenhouses are universal. Their concept is based on three elements: the arch, the mezzanine (the connecting element) and the cross. They are composed of perfectly balanced round tubes for optimized resistance and are made exclusively from the best steels of European construction (S250GD - galvanization Z275 on both sides 15/10e and 20/10e Ø 60mm and Ø 32mm)
The exclusive cross-shaped system assembled by a high frequency method doubles its strength thanks to the 44 cm links. Its internal assembly makes the structure invisible, ensuring a prolonged durability of the film used; also the ABRICLAIR structure allows any type of coverage.
Tunele clasice _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Available in a multitude of widths , lengths and heights.
Lățimi disponibile _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ : _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ 6m |_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 7m _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ | 8m _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ | 8,50m | 9.30m _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ | 9,30CR
Înâlțime la culme _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ :_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ 2,74m _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 2,79m _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 3.18m _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf 58d_ 3,23m _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 3,51m _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 3.78m
Inălțime la tirant 1P _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ : 2,10m _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 2,10m_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ 2,10m _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 2.14m_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3 b-136bad5cf58d_ 2,23m _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 2,50m
Înălțime la tirant 2P _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ : -_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ - _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 2,10m _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 2,14m _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ 2,74/2m 2, 74/2.27m
Înălțime la tirant X _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ : _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ - _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 2,55/1,92m 2, 65/2m bad5cf58d_2.28/2m 2.95/2.24m 2.3.2m
Înălțime sub tirant triangular : - _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ - _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ 2,10m_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-13 6bad5cf58d_ - _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_- _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ -
Distanța dintre arce _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ : 0.5m ,0.75m , 1m , 1.25m,1.50m , 2m ,2.25m,2.50m ,3
Nordiclair® _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ Unmatched mechanical performance and climate results.
The range of solariums Nordiclair includes 2 structures, the 8m wide and the 10.30m wide. This range is complementary to the TUNNEL range, the structure having an ogival shape that allows the removal of snow from the structure, much more faster than at its counterpart the Tunnels solar.
It is a range that was originally created for the countries of N Europe (Norway, Sweden), but which is now spread in all areas.
Each Nordiclair structure meets the "Snow and Wind" stability standards. Whatever the density of the metallic structure of the solar panel from the NORDICLAIR range, it forms a homogeneous and coherent assembly, calculated and manufactured according to European standards EN NF 13031,1, full calculation al of the structure through CAD software that allows the optimization of the elements of the galvanized metal structure.
Lățimi disponibile _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ : _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ 8m _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ | _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ 10.30 m
Înălțime la culme _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ : _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ 3,96m _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 4.76m
Înălțime la 0,55m de arcadă : 1,98m_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 2,20m
Înălțime sun tirant în X : 3,00/2,19m _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ 3,82/2 ,62m
Înălțime sub tirant triangular : 2,50m_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 2,92m
Dimensiuni uși duble _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ : 3,20x2,42m_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 3,20x3,10m_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Distanta dintre arcade :_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 0,5m , 0,75m , 1m , 2m_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_

The variants of PROFESSIONAL solariums Tunnel type | Nordicair,With in viewwidth , the distance between the arches and the type of coverage are practically unlimited!
In our range of solariums that is presented on the pages of this site, it is practically impossible not tofind the solar variant that suits you!
If you want onecustom configuration (for a fee)nothesitate let uscontact.The value of the configuration will be deducted from the invoice, tothe purchase of the product, if this is donein the next 30 days from completionconfiguration.
Ifin the who want a solar garden for the family, view andHOBBY rangeI wouldgarden eras .
In the this range, HOBBY greenhouse range, you can find variante de solariidifferently so much both in structure and in price.

offer valid 2020-2021
Solar TUNNEL FILCLAIR 600, made of galvanized arches.
Arcade cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 2m și elemente de legătură cu diametrul de 27mm și 32mm
Acoperirea se face cu folie profesională THINC4S 6,5m lațime x 11,50m lungime |_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_LAIZE
The foil is mounted on the width
OPTIONAL VARIATION along the structure (not included )
Facades covered with double foil
Movable facades (lifting) with door.
Width 6.0mm
Length: multiple of 2m
Maximum length: 200m
Height at the top: 2.74m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.69m
Tie rod R27mm
Ventilation type LAIZE| by separating the foils manually or optionally by the Laize opening system with a crank
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
Solar TUNNEL FILCLAIR 700, made of galvanized arches.
Arcade cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 2m și elemente de legătură cu diametrul de 32 27mm .
Acoperirea se face cu folie profesională THINC4S 6,5m lațime x 12 m lungime |_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_LAIZE
The foil is mounted on the width
OPTIONAL VARIATION along the structure (not included )
Movable facades with door.
Width 7m
Length: multiple of 2m
Maximum length: 200m
Height at the top: 2.79m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.69m
Tie rod R32mm
PRICES starting with:

SOLAR TUNNEL 8m|Simple foil|
side vent
offer valid 2020-2021
Solar TUNNEL FILCLAIR 800, made of the best quality steel structure S250GD, with a high elastic limit, double-sided galvanized arches Z275 15/10
and 20/10
Arcade cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 2,5 m și elemente de legătură cu diametrul de 32 ,27mm_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_.
The coating is done with professional film TH INC 4S 200 microns, mounted along the solar
Movable facades with door, covered with foil
Width 8m
Length: multiple of 2.5m | 2m extremity
Maximum length: 199.5m
Height at the top: 3.18m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.73m
Tie rod R32mm,2P
Side ventilation by rolling, with manual control, simplified model or model with aluminum cardan and aluminum rolling tube + crank very easy to handle
Ventilation on facades
ventilation motorization with thermostat
automation with climate computer
heating system
irrigation system
technical textiles (shading nets/thermal screens)
wind protection mesh on the side vents
PRICES starting with:

Simple foil
side vent
offer valid 2020-2021
Solar TUNNEL FILCLAIR 850, made of the best quality steel structure S250GD, with a high elastic limit, double-sided galvanized arches Z275 15/10
and 20/10
Arcade cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 2,5 m și elemente de legătură cu diametrul de 32 ,27mm_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_.
The covering is done with professional film TH INC 4S 200 microns, mounted along the solar.
Clamping systems of the aluminum foil+omega and PVC key.
Mobile facades covered with foil, + door
Width 8.50m
Length: multiple of 2.5m | 2m extremity
Maximum length: 199.5m
Height at the top: 3.23m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.70m
Tie rod R32mm 2P
Side ventilation by running, with manual control, with aluminum cardan + aluminum running tube or galvanized tube + side protection bibs + anti-wind protection net or without protection net .
ventilation motorization with thermostat
automation with climate computer
rigid facades covered with Cristal polycarbonate95% brightness
heating system
irrigation system
technical textiles (shading nets/thermal screens)
PRICES starting with:

Simple foil
side vent
offer valid 2020-2021
Solar TUNNEL FILCLAIR 930, made of the best quality steel structure S250GD, with a high elastic limit, double-sided galvanized arches Z275 15/10
and 20/10
Arcade cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 2,5 m și elemente de legătură cu diametrul de 32 ,27mm_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_.
The covering is done with professional film TH INC 4S 200 microns, mounted along the solar.
Clamping systems of the aluminum foil+omega and PVC key.
Furniture facades covered with foil +usa
Width 9.30m
Length: multiple of 2.5m | 2m extremity
Maximum length: 199.5m
Height at the top: 3.78m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.99m
Tie rod R32mm 2P
Side ventilation by running, with manual control, with aluminum cardan + aluminum running tube + side protection bibs + anti-wind protection net.
ventilation motorization with thermostat
automation with climate computer
heating system
irrigation system
technical textiles (shading nets/thermal screens)
PRICES starting with:

Simple foil
manual ventilation
offer valid 2020-2021
Solar TUNNEL NORDICLAIR FILCLAIR 10300, made of the best quality steel structure S250GD, with a high elastic limit, double-sided galvanized arches Z275 15/10
and 20/10
Arcade cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 2 m și elemente de legătură cu diametrul de 32 ,27mm_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_.
Coating is done with professional film TH INC 4S 200 microns
FIXED façades covered with CRISTAL polycarbonate 95% brightness si with door, sliding aluminum covered with 16mm polycarbonate + PVC panels_cc781905-5cbbde-3194d_3194
Width 8m
Length: multiple of 2m | 1.5m extremity
Maximum length: 199.5m
Height at the top: 4.76m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 2.20m
Triangular tie rod
Ventilation LAIZE
Side ventilation by running, with manual or automatic control
PRICES starting with:

SOLAR TUNNEL 6m Double foil | without inflation
offer valid 2020-2021
Solar TUNNEL FILCLAIR 600, made of galvanized arches.
Arches with a diameter of 60mm arranged at 1.5 m and connecting elements with a diameter of 27mm.
Acoperirea se face cu folie profesională PEB sudată în fabrică care îmbracă structura ,astfel încât_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_the sheet is double, but not inflatable. Model specially designed to provide insulation both in winter and in summer.
Movable facades clad in foil with door on each facade
Width 6.0mm
Length: multiple of 1.5m |1.5m extremity
Maximum length: 200m
Height at the top: 2.74m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.69m
Tie rod R27mm
Anchor system fenox
PRICES starting with:

SOLAR TUNNEL 7m|Double foil |cable system
offer valid 2020-2021
Solar TUNNEL FILCLAIR 700, made of galvanized arches.
Arcade cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 1,5m și elemente de legătură cu diametrul de 32 ,27mm_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_.
The covering is done with professional PEB film welded in the factory, which covers the structure. The film is double, but not inflatable.
Movable facades with door.
Width 7m
Length: multiple of 1.5 m
Maximum length: 199.5m
Height at the top: 2.79m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.69m
Tie rod R32mm
PRICES starting with:

Inflatable foil
side vent
offer valid 2020-2021
Solar TUNNEL FILCLAIR 800, made of the best quality steel structure S250GD, with a high elastic limit, double-sided galvanized arches Z275 15/10
and 20/10
Arcade cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 2,5 m și elemente de legătură cu diametrul de 32 ,27mm_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_.
The covering is done with professional film TH INC 4S 200 microns, mounted along the solarium, in an inflatable double wall_cc781905-5cde-3194-6bad35cf-13
Clamping systems of the aluminum foil+omega and PVC key.
AIRBAR inflation system with inflation turbine + control panel + PRESSURE SWITCH
FIXED façades covered with CRISTAL polycarbonate 95% brightness si with door, sliding aluminum covered with 16mm polycarbonate + PVC panels_cc781905-5cbbde-3194d_3194
Width 8m
Length: multiple of 2.5m | 2m extremity
Maximum length: 199.5m
Height at the top: 3.18m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.73m
Tie rod R32mm triangular
Side ventilation by running, with manual control, with aluminum cardan + aluminum running tube + side protection bibs + anti-wind protection net.
ventilation motorization with thermostat
automation with climate computer
heating system
irrigation system
technical textiles (shading nets/thermal screens)
PRICES starting with:

Inflatable foil
side vent
offer valid 2020-2021
Solar TUNNEL FILCLAIR 930, made of the best quality steel structure S250GD, with a high elastic limit, double-sided galvanized arches Z275 15/10
and 20/10
Arcade cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 2,5 m și elemente de legătură cu diametrul de 32 ,27mm_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_.
The covering is done with professional film TH INC 4S 200 microns, mounted along the solarium, in an inflatable double wall_cc781905-5cde-3194-6bad35cf-13
Clamping systems of the aluminum foil+omega and PVC key.
AIRBAR inflation system with inflation turbine + control panel + PRESSURE SWITCH
FIXED façades covered with CRISTAL polycarbonate 95% brightness si with door, sliding aluminum covered with 16mm polycarbonate + PVC panels_cc781905-5cbbde-3194d_3194
Width 9.30m
Length: multiple of 2.5m | 2m extremity
Maximum length: 199.5m
Height at the top: 3.51m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.72m
Tie rod R32mm 2P
Side ventilation by running, with manual control, with aluminum cardan + aluminum running tube + side protection bibs + anti-wind protection net.
ventilation motorization with thermostat
automation with climate computer
heating system
irrigation system
technical textiles (shading nets/thermal screens)
PRICES starting with:

Inflatable foil
side vent
offer valid 2020-2021
Solar TUNNEL FILCLAIR 930, made of the best quality steel structure S250GD, with a high elastic limit, double-sided galvanized arches Z275 15/10
and 20/10
Arcade cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 2,5 m și elemente de legătură cu diametrul de 32 ,27mm_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_.
The covering is done with professional film TH INC 4S 200 microns, mounted along the solarium, in an inflatable double wall_cc781905-5cde-3194-6bad35cf-13
Clamping systems of the aluminum foil+omega and PVC key.
AIRBAR inflation system with inflation turbine + control panel + PRESSURE SWITCH
FIXED façades covered with CRISTAL polycarbonate 95% brightness si with door, sliding aluminum covered with 16mm polycarbonate + PVC panels_cc781905-5cbbde-3194d_3194
Width 9.30m
Length: multiple of 2.5m | 2m extremity
Maximum length: 199.5m
Height at the top: 3.78m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.99m
Tie rod R32mm 2P
Side ventilation by running, with manual control, with aluminum cardan + aluminum running tube + side protection bibs + anti-wind protection net.
ventilation motorization with thermostat
automation with climate computer
heating system
irrigation system
technical textiles (shading nets/thermal screens)
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
To make an inflatable solar you can purchase an inflatable kit , kit composed of:
turbine inflatable mono 220V
control panel
needlecaesorii gonflaj
Pressure switch
Don't forget to purchase and the other materials needed to make an inflatable tunnel:
foil (second row de foil )
aluminum + omega clips and PVC key for fixing the foil on the structure |on both lengths and on the 2 facades along the arch
1 row of tubes + accessories on the sides of the solar panel, for fixing the aluminum clip (ask a consultant)
screws special very resistant self-tapping screws (see reference 10305 TECK screw 5.5x19TH )
PRICES starting with:

SOLAR TUNNEL 7m|Simple foil|
side vent
offer valid 2020-2021
Solar TUNNEL FILCLAIR 700, made of galvanized arches.
Arcade cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 2,5 m și elemente de legătură cu diametrul de 32 ,27mm_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_.
The covering is done with TH INC 4S professional foil mounted along the solar
Movable facades with door.
Width 7m
Length: multiple of 2.5m | 2m extremity
Maximum length: 199.5m
Height at the top: 2.79m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.69m
Tie rod R32mm
Side roll vent
Ventilation on facades
PRICES starting with:

Inflatable foil
side vent
offer valid 2020-2021
Solar TUNNEL FILCLAIR 850, made of the best quality steel structure S250GD, with a high elastic limit, double-sided galvanized arches Z275 15/10
and 20/10
Arcade cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 2,5 m și elemente de legătură cu diametrul de 32 ,27mm_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_.
The covering is done with professional film TH INC 4S 200 microns, mounted along the solarium, in a double inflatable wall_cc781905-5cde-3194-6bad3cf58d_bb3b-13
Clamping systems of the aluminum foil+omega and PVC key.
AIRBAR inflation system with inflation turbine + control panel + PRESSURE SWITCH
FIXED façades covered with CRISTAL polycarbonate 95% brightness si with door, sliding aluminum covered with 16mm polycarbonate + PVC panels_cc781905-5cbbde-3194-3194
Width 8.50m
Length: multiple of 2.5m | 2m extremity
Maximum length: 199.5m
Height at the top: 3.23m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.70m
Tie rod R32mm 2P
Side ventilation by running, with manual control, with aluminum cardan + aluminum running tube + side protection bibs + anti-wind protection net.
ventilation motorization with thermostat
automation with climate computer
heating system
irrigation system
technical textiles (shading nets/thermal screens)
PRICES starting with:

Simple foil
side vent
offer valid 2020-2021
Solar TUNNEL FILCLAIR 930, made of the best quality steel structure S250GD, with a high elastic limit, double-sided galvanized arches Z275 15/10
and 20/10
Arcade cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 2,5 m și elemente de legătură cu diametrul de 32 ,27mm_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_.
The covering is done with professional film TH INC 4S 200 microns, mounted along the solar.
Clamping systems of the aluminum foil+omega and PVC key.
Furniture facades covered with foil +usa
Width 9.30m
Length: multiple of 2.5m | 2m extremity
Maximum length: 199.5m
Height at the top: 3.51m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.72m
Tie rod R32mm 2P
Side ventilation by running, with manual control, with aluminum cardan + aluminum running tube + side protection bibs + anti-wind protection net.
ventilation motorization with thermostat
automation with climate computer
heating system
irrigation system
technical textiles (shading nets/thermal screens)
PRICES starting with:

Simple foil
manual ventilation
offer valid 2020-2021
Solar TUNNEL NORDICLAIR FILCLAIR 800, made of the best quality steel structure S250GD, with a high elastic limit, double-sided galvanized arches Z275 15/10
and 20/10
Arcade cu diametrul de 60mm dispuse la 2 m și elemente de legătură cu diametrul de 32 ,27mm_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_.
Coating is done with professional film TH INC 4S 200 microns
FIXED façades covered with CRISTAL polycarbonate 95% brightness si with door, sliding aluminum covered with 16mm polycarbonate + PVC panels_cc781905-5cbbde-3194d_3194
Width 8m
Length: multiple of 2m | 1.5m extremity
Maximum length: 199.5m
Height at the summit: 3,,96m
Height at 0.55m from the base of the arch: 1.98m
Triangular tie rod
Ventilation LAIZE
Side ventilation by running, with manual or automatic control
PRICES starting with:

TUNNEL Range FILCLAIR WITH VERTICAL WALLS | MULTICLAIR 8.7m | SOLARII TUNEL CU PERETII VERTICALI 8m , 9m | SOLAR_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ VERICLAIR 8m ,9.6m ,12.80m
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Innovation, in the interest of all!
Innovation FILCLAIR: metallic structures for solariums with vertical side walls, _cc781905-53d988bb31de o extremă fiabilitate care și-au dovedit calitățile în întreaga lume inclusiv în_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_Romania.
SOLARUL tip tunel VERICLAIR & MULTICLAIR este utilizat de zeci de ani în culturile profesionale .
Model SOLAR MULTICLAIR | VERTICLAR | STRAIGHT LEG TUNNEL accepts only one type of coverage:
single foil, THINC4s 200 microns, mounted along the solar
Solariums typeSTRAIGHT FOOT TUNNEL | VERTICLAR | MULTICLEAR , are made of high-quality steel S250GD, with a high yield strength. The steel is galvanized Z275 double face 15/10, 20/10. The diameter of the structure is 60mm for arches, 32mm and 27mm for connecting elements , and for certain models the diameter of the structure is 20m. of 80mm. Some models contain galvanized metal structure 75x75mm or other dimensions.
Thanks to their simplicity of design, FILCLAIR tunnel greenhouses and solariums are universal.
Their concept is based on three elements: the arch, the lintel (the connecting element) and the cross. They are composed of perfectly balanced round tubes for an optimized resistance and are made exclusively of the best steels of European construction (S250GD - galvanizing Z275 on both sides 15/10e and 20/10e Ø 60mm and Ø 32mm)
Sistemul exclusiv în formă de cruce asamblat printr-o metodă de înaltă frecvență, ii dublează rezistența datorită legăturilor de 44 of cm. Its internal assembly makes the structure invisible, ensuring a prolonged durability of the film used.
Tunele _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-136bad5cf58d Available in a multitude of widths , lengths and heights.
Lățimi disponibile _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ : _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ 8m |_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 8,7m | 9,6m _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ | 12,80m _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_| 16mBITUNEL cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ | _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad15cf58d_ BITUNEL,
The variety of sizes that can be made starting from the standard sizes of our solariums and greenhouses, makes us able to respond to practically any type of Solar application | Greenhouse

offer valid 2020-2021
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
PRICES starting with:

offer valid 2020-2021
PRICES starting with:

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