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Conceptairnature -Solutia pentru un climat mai bun!  sere profesionale , solarii , echipamente agricole ,încălzire,irigatie ,echipamente zootehnice



Explore urban garden

Branches Berry

The simplest and most efficient way of protecting crops.

The arches and braces are made up of perfectly balanced round tubes, which provide optimum strength. They are made with only the best European construction steels (S250GD - Galvanization Z275, double-faced, 15/10 and 20/10 – 32 mm dia.).

Simple & Efficient
Their internal mounting means that they are invisible and also that they ensure the long life of the plastic films.

The ARCEAUX framework may accommodate 2 types of cover:

1. Strips of film (Buried cover)
2. Long-sheet film (“Nantes”-style cover)

Tunnel-type greenhouse construction covered with inflatable film | Greenhouses and farms Conceptairnature.com
Tunnel-type greenhouse construction covered with inflatable film | Conceptairnature.com



The new tunnel which rationalizes space

Tunnel-type greenhouse construction covered with inflatable film|  Numeris tunnel greenhouse for small crops| Greenhouses and farms Conceprairnature.com

• NUMERIS is a quasi-vertical side tunnel which optimizes crop surface area.
• A width of 6.40 m which complies with planting standards (1.60 and 3.20 m): every square meter covered is cultivated.
• NUMERIS may also be installed in batches and cover a maximum amount of surface area without loss of land.


The spacing between arches, according to lay-out areas, will be specified at: 2.00 m, 2.50 m or 3.00 m
2 ground options:
1. Brace + cross with screw or Fenox anchor attachment (according to the nature of the ground). This well-known configuration is perfectly adaptable to irregular-sloped fields.
2. By means of corkscrew anchor, the pin of which directly fits into the arch. This technique requires level ground.


Tunnel-type greenhouse construction covered with inflatable film |
Numeris tunnel greenhouse for small crops | film for greenhouses | Concept Airnature greenhouses


Rational surface area
Straight-sided, slightly domed in shape, the arches are made of 60 mm dia. tubes, 2 arches and a “boomerang” arch plus one flat or cross-shaped locking tie.
The components are connected together by a top purlin which stabilizes length-wise and ensures film tension by double-inverted curvature.
MONO: single-tunnel installation
IN BATCHES: separated by a few inches
CLOSE-BATCHES: The gap between tunnels is reduced to 5 cm, double-thread twist anchor.


The TUNNEL range is still considered a classic of FILCLAIR innovation. An extremely reliable range which has proved its worth throughout the world.





Professional greenhouse | multi-chapel greenhouses Professional greenhouse constructions | vegetable greenhouses | hydroponic greenhouses | conceptairnature.com
Tunnel-type greenhouse construction covered with inflatable film|
Numeris tunnel greenhouse for small crops | film for greenhouses ,irrigation , heating .
Professional greenhouse | multi-chapel greenhouses Professional greenhouse constructions | vegetable greenhouses | hydroponic greenhouses | conceptairnature.com
Tunnel-type greenhouse construction covered with inflatable film|
Numeris tunnel greenhouse for small crops.

The classics:
Available in a wide variety of heights and widths.
Nordiclair®, unequaled technical performance and climatic conditions.

Voted best tunnel in the world
Thanks to their simple design, the Filclair Tunnel greenhouses are universal. Their design is based on three elements: the arch, the brace and the cross.

They are made of perfectly balanced, round tubes which provide optimum strength and are made with only the very best European construction steels S250GD, high yield strength (Galvanization Z275: double-faced, 15/10 and 20/10 - 60 mm and 32mm dia.).

The exclusive system of connecting crosses, assembled by means of a high frequency process, reinforces the strength of the 44 cm links. There internal mounting means that they are invisible and also that they ensure the long life of the plastic films. The Tunnel framework may accommodate all types of covering film.
The simple and rapid procedure for assembling Filclair tunnels is totally unique

elected the best tunnel in the world
Multi-chapel greenhouses and tunnel-type greenhouses | Greenhouse dimensions | conceptairnature.com

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